While it typically has a range of thicknesses, purchase the best your wallet will allow. A robust surface hides subfloor imperfections, is quieter, and has the authentic, firm, and rigid feeling of wood's hard surface. Keep in mind that the thickness measurement should only include the flooring, not any underlayment, and look for a high abrasion resistant (AC) rating. The ratings are AC 1 for rooms with light foot traffic, such as the bedroom.
AC 2 is designed for medium-traffic floors. AC 3 and AC 4 are the best and can be used on all levels of foot traffic, including entrance foyers and kitchens, as well as some light commercial use if warranted. Finally, AC 5means the floor can withstand heavy commercial traffic.
Laminate can be a floating floor where the pieces click together, mat, then hover over the subfloor without nails or glue. This flooring can also be used with radiant underfloor heating systems. First, however, you must check to ensure your particular floor is compatible with your heating system.
We feel the installation is as important as the product and can make any surface, including budget-friendly laminate flooring, look like a high end floor. To learn more, and get a free quote, and if you live or work in or near Pelham, GA, Cotton, GA, Meigs, GA, Camilla, GA, Hinsonton, GA, Sale City, GA, Hartsfield, GA and Branchville, GA, come into
the Town Country Carpets showroom in Pelham, GA.